Case study
40 years of collaboration and still going strong.
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Building bridges and brand through challenging times.
Read about how we helped Danfoss strengthen their brand position and boost qualified awareness in South East Asia.
Read more about our campaign that explored the ’80s nostalgia.
Communicating the benefits of a cutting-edge technology to both hearing aid experts and consumers
The Øresund Bridge needed to be known as more than just a piece of asphalt that connects Denmark and Sweden.
Taking the #3 painkiller in Sweden to #1 in under two years.
Helping Chr. Hansen launch a natural way to keep foods fresh and brands strong.
Utilizing game mechanics in YouTube advertising
Shaping a global launch campaign around SenSura® Mio Concave's ultimate user benefit - freedom from worry
Revitalizing an iconic sun care brand with a big idea that challenges the conventions of a category.
How a truly authentic and aspirational testimonial campaign became the most successful launch in Widex's history.
An effective, insights-driven and creative approach to a differentiated teaser campaign in highly competitive dental market.
Caring less about content control and more about agility and relevance
Pendlertjek hjælper til billigere, sundere og grønnere rejse
Helping Coloplast build brand equity and create new leads with a pioneering toilet-finder app.
Fra 16 kilometer rå asfalt til et menneskeligt ansigt og relevante oplevelser på den anden side.
Forsikringsselskaber har svært ved at differentiere sig. Se hvordan vi har hjulpet If med en purposedrevet kommunikationsplatform.
How our convenience store concept revitalized the gas station chain.
Lancering af ny ordning for helhedsorienteret energirenovering.
Hvad gør dig rig? Se hvordan vi styrkede Arbejdernes Landsbank gennem en værdisamtale med kunderne.
Vi hjalp med at finde skønheden i en priskrig
Sådan gav vi mad og mennesker en chance til.
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