Who we are, what we believe, and the clients we work with
Founded in 1976 Advance is now one of Denmark’s largest independent creative agencies. Proudly headquartered in Copenhagen, our perspective is distinctly global thanks to a healthy mix of Danish and international clients. Today, 85 percent of our work is produced for international audiences.
In our work with clients, we believe less can be more. For a brand to identify its true uniqueness and commercial potential, it needs to strip away the layers that distract from its central mission. Let’s explain what we mean…
Less Supplier – More Partner
If you’re a supplier and you get a brief, you answer it. As a partner our job is to care enough to question it. We know there is always a business problem behind every communication brief. That’s why we use our creativity to first solve the business problem before creating communication.
Less Promises – More Delivery
Many brands over promise and under-deliver. When a brand doesn’t deliver, it shows it doesn’t care and when a brand doesn’t care, consumers certainly won’t bother to. We encourage our clients to promise less and deliver more by identifying the single, inherent promise that is unique to their brand and work to coherently integrate that promise into everything the brand does; from the products they sell, the services they offer, the customer experiences they provide, and of course...the communication they create.
Less Observation – More Insight
Building resonant brand platforms starts with the easy part... doing the necessary work to gather the observations, patterns and facts accumulated through quantitative studies, trends, forecasts and share data. The hard part starts – the part we take great care to spend time on – when we begin to uncover what lies behind and motivates these behaviours, allowing us to identify the deeper instincts and desires that ultimately provide the insights that prove compelling enough to connect consumers to brands.
Less Advertising – More Advocacy
We know how essential it is for brands to start seeing their consumers as ambassadors. As well as effective advertising campaigns, we create content that encourages and facilitates brand engagement and advocacy.
Less Control – More Collaboration
Our long experience as a lead agency and brand guardian has taught us that true guardianship is not about maintaining control, it’s about understanding that our clients need us to support their organisations at both the central and local levels. Having learned how to let go at the right time and to be there with the right support is not only why we create real, lasting results, it’s also the reason why we have the longest client relationships in the business.
Less Surface – More Substance
The days of brands faking it and buying fame are long gone. Transparency rules with audiences refusing to be sold to as they celebrate the good and criticize the bad, demanding to know, and ready to reveal the truth behind brands. We make sure our clients avoid making false promises or indulging in superficial wrapping by identifying and communicating the true value their brands provide.

Our clients

Mads Thorsted Hald
Executive Creative Director

Cathrine Esmann Jordansen
Head of Strategy (On Maternity leave)

Alberte Gretoft Hansen
Project Management

Alexei Patrascu
Digital Design

Anja Bjerregaard Nyvang
Client Service

Annemette Elkær
Art Direction & Graphic Design

Birgitte Ølgod
Project Management

Caroline Weinreich

Chris Calvert
Concept Development, Copy

Chris Lee Ramsden
Creative Director

Christian Dollerup Petersen

Christian Nobel
Digital & Graphic Design

Cæcilie Jespersen

Elize van der Laan

Fergus Kenny
Creative Director

Helene Sandra Thorsen

Henrik Seeward
Client Service

Janne Pajulahti
Concept Development, Art Direction

Jon Thomsen
Project Management

Jonas Sjöwall Haxø
Digital Design

Joy Tronier
Project Management

Kathrine Birkelund
Project Management

Kim Flügel
Concept Development, Art Direction

Lene Ørsø

Luke Cooper
Concept Development, Copy

Maja Voola
Project Management

Malene Zarp

Marie Ander Krøyer
Project Management Assistance

Martin Sørensen
Concept Development, Art Direction

Michael Sten Andersen
Creative Director

Mie Götze

Mikkel Brøndum

Morten Olsen
Concept Development, Art Direction

Nicolas Garcin

Nina Dyreborg Bruun
Project Management

Pha Khem
Project Management

Raluca Stroe
Art Direction

Rikke Aborg Nielsen

Roxana Crivat
Digital Design

Rune Seir

Saoirse McKenna

Sebastian Zacho
Client Service

Sine Skjershede Nielsen
Graphic Design Assistance

Sune Bjørn Pedersen
Creative Director

Thomas Østerby
Graphic Design & Final Art

Trudy Follwell
Creative Director

Yingzi Ni
Graphic Design

Zdenko Oliver Santini
Concept Development, Art Direction